1. How long have you lived in Ecuador/worked at Casa de Fe? 2 years in Ecuador and at Casa de Fe
2. What did you do before you came here? Studied Spanish for a year in Costa Rica and prior to that worked part time as an Occupational Therapist and full time as mom.
3. Why did you come here? My husband and I felt the Lord leading us to return to Shell after a one month trip in May of 2009. We did not know the plans He had for us - just that we were to return. Although we serve with separate ministries we know that this is our home for now.
4. What is your job/role at Casa de Fe? I work part-time as an Occupational Therapist, which means I get to "play" with the little ones who need a little extra help fitting in with normally developing children.

6. What is your least favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at CdF? My least favorite thing (and I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned multiple times already) about Ecuador is the number of people who cut in line or push their way in front of you when you are waiting to check out your groceries or ask a question. My least favorite part of my job is watching the little ones grieve when they are separated from their families.
7. How can our readers pray for you? Pray that I and my family would come to know and love the Lord better each day.
what a great blog -it is beautifully done and so important in raising awareness about CDF -thanks for doing such a great job:)