From Cory--
How long have you lived in Ecuador and/or worked at Casa de Fe?
We have been here since early August 2013.
What did you do before you came here?
I graduated college in December of 2012 and substituted in schools around our area. I coached baseball at the local high school.
Why did you come here?
I came here because I felt an overwhelming peace of God's presence in my life about being here. I had never been out of the country for anything before, so it was a stretch for me. In the end, God really laid it on my heart to leave our comfort zone and be open to his plan--no matter where He might take me.
What is your job/role at Casa de Fe?
My job is teaching PE to all of the school-aged children, and the other half of the day is helping out with construction.
What is your favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at Casa de Fe?
My favorite thing about Ecuador is the slow pace of life, and the opportunities that come up for great conversation and community to begin. In the States, I felt like I was so fast-paced that I missed so many opportunities to pour into people's lives and vice versa.
My favorite thing about Casa de Fe is getting to do PE with the kids and staying active with them. Sometimes I think I must be doing something wrong, or I have the wrong job; because, I get to play games with the kids every day, and I love it!
What is your least favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at Casa de Fe?
My least favorite thing about Ecuador is not knowing the language of the people very well. That's also my least favorite thing about my job at Casa de Fe. I feel like I could have so many good relationships, but the language barrier is a struggle.
How can our readers pray for you?
You can pray that while we are here that we won't just be gearing our time towards training the kids to be "good students", but rather have them understand that we love them and desire for them to be able to succeed later on in life.
Readers can also pray for our marriage, that in difficult times we will not only lean on each other, but that we would rely on God to encourage and strengthen us.
From Asia--

How long have you lived in Ecuador and/or worked at Casa de Fe?
We moved to Ecuador August 11th of this year.
What did you do before you came here?
I taught self-contained special education.
Why did you come here?
I came to Casa two summers ago while in college. I was majoring in special education and wanted to see what a special needs orphanage/home looked like and if it was the direction I thought God was leading me to long-term with the passion he had given to me for children with disabilities. I was never able to shake the deep way that God imprinted each face at Casa on my heart. We came because we love to love on others. My favorite quote/life motto is "The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." We know here that our gladness and the needs in Ecuador, specifically at CdF, meet and we feel privileged that God is using us.
What is your job/role at Casa de Fe?
I am currently working in a marketing role in the mornings and teaching and working with the special needs kids in the afternoons.
What is your favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at CdF?
I love knowing that every ounce of knowledge that these kids soak up, whether it's learning English or simply learning to sign yes or no, will empower them. They have the potential to be anything they want to be and to be here even for a moment in their lives is such an awesome experience.
What is your least favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at CdF?
I wish I knew more Spanish! I took sign language as my foreign language in college and as much as I love it, it's not getting me very far in Ecuador!
How can our readers pray for you?
Pray that we would continually be challenged everyday - as a couple, as friends, as workers, as Christians. Not only to be challenged, but to work through the challenges and grow each day.