Kelcy served as a teacher here at
Casa de Fe during the 2011/2012 school year. She has just returned from her home-state of Alaska for a long-term service commitment, and we are all excited to have her back!
How long have you lived in Ecuador/worked at Casa de Fe?
I lived and worked here at Casa de Fe for a year in 2011, went home for a year to finish school, and I moved back here in October 2013.
What did you do before you came here?
Before coming to Casa de Fe, I was going to school full-time and working full-time at a restaurant in Anchorage. I was also volunteering in my local church.
Why did you decide to come here?

I felt called to be a missionary, especially in Latin America, so when my friend Alison started working at Casa de Fe, I decided to come visit. I fell in love with the kids and really loved the mission and vision that Casa de Fe has for the kids. I knew the Lord was at work here, and I wanted to be a part of it.
What is your job/role at Casa de Fe?
I run the Child Sponsorship Program. I assist the Donations Coordinator. I work in Child Development, which means I get to play with the kids. I also work in youth ministry with the older girls.
What is your favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at CdF?
I love the people of Ecuador. They are very friendly, and I love the laid back lifestyle. It helps that the scenery is beautiful and there is just so much culture here. I love the variety of jobs I get to do. I feel like I get to see many aspects of the ministry.
What is your least favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at Casa de Fe?
My least favorite thing about Ecuador is probably the rainy season, it's pretty brutal! Also, they don't sell Cheez-its.
How can our readers pray for you?
Pray that I would be able to find rest. Life gets pretty crazy here, and it's easy to say 'yes' to everything. I want to make sure I have time to spend with the Lord. Also, as I learn more about the kids and their stories, it's easy for me to get really angry at the parents so pray that I would learn to love the parents of our kids, and that we would have the opportunity and grace to share the love of Jesus with them.
To learn even more about Kelcy's adventures in Ecuador, visit her blog--
Kelcy in Ecuador!