How long have you lived in Ecuador/worked at Casa de Fe?
We have lived in Ecuador since
February, and have worked at CdF since August.
What did you do before you came here?
Kyle was attending seminary in
Louisville, Ky. and April was working at Kosair Children’s Hospital in the
Emergency Department.
Why did you come here?
We came here due to the Lord’s
call in our lives to serve and minister based on the gifts He has bestowed on
What is your job/role at Casa de Fe?
Kyle - Pastor/Chaplain April - Nurse
What is your favorite thing about Ecuador/your job at CdF?
Our favorite thing about Ecuador
is the people. And our favorite thing
about CdF is the relationships with the kids.
How can our readers pray for you?
Pray for wisdom, patience, and
obedience to the Lord’s calling.