This week we introduce the couple that has served at Casa de Fe longer than any of the rest of us, aside from Patti Sue. Dwight & Tandy Martin arrived as a newlywed couple in March 2009. They have since become a family--adopting Jonathan from Casa de Fe and awaiting the birth of a new baby brother in September.
To learn more about their family, you can visit their
blog. It appears that Tandy is a little behind on updating it, but if enough of you visit, maybe she'll be motivated to post more often. ;)
From Dwight--
Q: How long have you been in Ecuador/worked at Casa de Fe?
Photo Credit: Chad & Andi Irwin |
A: We have been in Ecuador working at Casa de Fe since March 2009 (4 years, 4 months).
Q: What did you do before you came here?
A: I served in the US Military.
Q: Why did you come here?
A: My wife had been to Casa de Fe with her mother on a 10 day visit before we got married. After we married a few months later, we talked about our options as my service contract was coming to an end. We were in a transitional time in our lives, so we decided to contact Patti Sue to see if she could use our help for the next year. It wasn’t a decision that we contemplated for a long time. It just seemed like the right step to take next. Looking back we can see how our Lord had so much more in store for us, and he continues to lead step by step and day by day.
Q: What is your job/role at Casa de Fe?
A: It has changed over the years as Casa de Fe has grown as an organization. I currently serve as the Director of Construction, Maintenance and Future Projects. Along with that my role has involved offering direction, discipline and encouragement from a male perspective to both the kids and staff of Casa de Fe.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Ecuador/your job?
A: I enjoy working outside, working with great maestros (Ecuadorian construction employees), problem solving, seeing the kids and staff enjoy the projects we complete and enjoying the delicious food that Ecuador has to offer.
Q: What is your least favorite thing about Ecuador/your job?
A: My least favorite thing about living overseas is being so far away from family and not spending time with them. I feel this even more now that we have Jonathan and another baby on the way. My least favorite thing about my job is having to prioritize the projects and maintenance and then wait to complete them. There are so many things that could be improved at Casa de Fe, but the truth is that time, money and resources are limited. I feel that my God is showing me that none of those things (time, money or resources) will ever satisfy me or the kids. In wealth or poverty, in happiness or sadness- He, and only He, can satisfy what we all are lacking.
Q: How can our readers pray for you?
A: There are so many mission teams, volunteers and kids who come and go through Casa de Fe that it’s tempting for me to only engage my heart at a surface-level. Please pray that I would be vulnerable and willing to connect at an intimate level with those whom God brings through my life and this ministry. Please pray that I entrust my heart and relationships to God my Father, that I will love and serve my wife well, and that I will lead my children in the truth of the gospel while loving them humbly.
Photo Credit: Chad & Andi Irwin |
From Tandy--
Q: How long have you been in Ecuador/worked at Casa de Fe?
A: We moved here in March of 2009….so 4+ years.
Q: What did you do before you came here?
A: I worked in home health as a Recreation Therapist.
Q: Why did you come here?
A: I really wanted to serve in an orphanage/children’s home for children with disabilities, and I was praying to find an overseas ministry site that I could maintain a long-term relationship with. I assumed this would be short-term mission work, but God definitely had other plans in mind! He led us here to work full-time, and we’ve just been following as He leads.
Q: What is your job/role at Casa de Fe?
A: I’m currently transitioning out of my full-time work for Casa de Fe. I have been serving in administration, leading mission teams, coordinating short and long term staff, donations and communications. We have been in the process of adopting our son Jonathan, and I have been able to work more from home this last year. We are also about to have a baby, so I’m in the process of transitioning out of the majority of my current work responsibilities. I am so thankful that God has brought an amazing lady (whom you will meet soon in another blog post!) to take over my work. I’m also excited to see what He has in store for the future in terms of different ministry opportunities within Casa de Fe.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Ecuador/your job?
A: I love living in Shell, because it has a great small-town feel. I also love the Ecuadorian people and how they are so welcoming and loving.
My favorite thing about Casa de Fe would be what God used to stir my heart to come here in the first place- the kids with special needs. Although they are special to me, I love every child that God brings through here. The tias are another ‘favorite,’ and I’m so thankful for the trust and friendship they have shown to me over the years. This ‘favorite’ list could go on for a while….. Just being a part of what God is doing here is incredible.
Q: What is your least favorite thing about Ecuador/your job?
A: PEOPLE CUTTING IN LINE….like physically nudging you backward so that they can fit in the two inch space in front of you. It’s done so blatantly and is so generally accepted that it’s almost comical. *
The least favorite thing about my job is that I don’t actually get to work directly with the kids with special needs. Although that is what God used to bring me here, there has always been other work that needed to be done. I pray that I can have more time for this in the future.
Q: How can our readers pray for you?
Please pray that I would be full of grace and wisdom through this time of transition. We have several new staff coming on board this year, and I want to be an encouragement as they settle into their new lives here. Please pray that I would be the wife, mother and friend whom God has called me to be!
Photo Credit: Chad & Andi Irwin |